Network Setup

Indoor Network Setup

To ensure your robot has continuous and reliable network connection, you should use wpa_supplicant if you don’t have a display for the robot.

Here are the steps for setting up wpa_supplicant.

  1. First of all, ask for a static ip for your robot in the mrsl network.

  2. add wpa_supplicant.conf to /etc/wpa_supplicant/:

  3. modify /etc/network/interfaces so that it looks like:

    auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
    # auto start wlan0 interface
    auto wlan0
    # use static ip for wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet static
    # your desired ip
    wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
  4. The next time your power on your robot, it will automatically connect to the router you specified in wpa_supplicant.conf. And if will reconnect even if you lose connection temporarily.

  5. A sample interfaces file can be found here.

Outdoor Network Setup

For large-scale outdoor experiments, we need ad reliable long-range wifi connection between the robot and the ground station. To this end, we use Ubiquiti wireless products. Both bullet M and PicoStation M are good choices.

We recommend using PicoStation simply because it is easier to strip the case off.

We use Ubiquiti products mainly for its airMax technology, which is designed for outdoors wireless communication.

Below we describe in detail how to setup airMax connection between two Ubiquiti devices. We use a Bullet M in Access Point mode to serve as a ground station and a PicoStation M in Station mode, which can be seen as a client.

Access Point (Ground Station)

  1. On your computer, add a new Ethernet connection from Ubuntu Network Manager.

  2. In IPv4 Settings tab, change Method to Manual

  3. Add an Address, here we use, with Netmask You can leave the Gateway and DNS servers empty.

  4. Power up the Bullet M and connect to your computer via Ehternet.

  5. Make sure you are on the network configuration you just setup. Then open a browser window with the following ip address, which is the default address for Bullet M.

  6. The default Username and Password are both ubnt.

  7. In the first tab left to MAIN, select Enable for airMAX, then click Change and Apply. Notice that all the changes you made will be cancelled if you switch tab without applying those changes.

  8. In WIRELESS tab, make the following changes. The rest can be left as default.

    Item Value
    Wireless Mode Access Point
    SSID ubnt (anyname)
    Channel Width 20 MHz (recommended)
  9. In NETWORK tab, make the following changes.

    Item Value
    Network Mode Bridge
    Management IP address Static
    IP Address
    Gateway IP

Station (Client)

  1. On your robot, make sure your ethernet interface (eth0) is on the same subnet as the Access Point, which should be

  2. Power up the PicoStation M and connect to your robot via Ethernet.

  3. Open a browser window with the folloing IP address (default).

  4. Again, he default Username and Password are both ubnt.

  5. In WIRELESS tab, make the folloing changes. The rest can be left as default.

    Item Value
    Wireless Mode Station
    SSID ubnt (same as AP)
    Channel Width Auto 20/40 MHz
  6. In NETWORK tab, make the following changes. Note that IP Address should be something other than 20 and abc.

    Item Value
    Network Mode Bridge
    Management IP address Static
    IP Address
    Gateway IP
  7. In MAIN tab, remember the WLAN0 MAC of this device. Then go back to the Access Point setup page on your computer. In WIRELESS tab, select Enable for MAC ACL and Allow for Policy. And add the above MAC to the list by clicking on ACL….

Now you should have established airMAX connection between the Bullet M and the PicoStation M. In MAIN tab of the Access Point, you will see something like this.


Internet Sharing from Your Computer

Often, it is convenient to have internet access on your robot.

  1. Add the following two lines to your ethernet interface in /etc/network/interfaces:

    gateway # IP address of your laptop
    dns-nameservers  # for internet access
  2. Put the following function in your .bashrc, then you can enable and disable sharing via sharenet on/off:

    function sharenet()
        if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
            echo "usage: sharenet <on/off>"
            return 0
        local if_from=wlan0
        local if_to=eth0
        # check command-line commands
        case $cmd in
            on )
                sudo su -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
                echo "Enable sharing internet from $if_from to $if_to"
                sudo /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $if_to -o $if_from -j ACCEPT
                sudo /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i $if_from -o $if_to -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
                sudo /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $if_from -j MASQUERADE
            off )
                sudo su -c "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
                echo "Disable sharing internet from $if_from to $if_to"
            * )
                echo "sharenet: $1: invalid command"
                echo "usage: sharenet <on/off>"